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Version: 1.190.0

React Component

Unlayer editor is also available as a React component.


The easiest way to use it is to install it from npm and include it in your own React build process.


npm install react-email-editor --save


yarn add react-email-editor


Require the EmailEditor component and render it with JSX:

import React, { useRef } from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';

import EmailEditor, { EditorRef, EmailEditorProps } from 'react-email-editor';

const App = (props) => {
const emailEditorRef = useRef<EditorRef>(null);

const exportHtml = () => {
const unlayer = emailEditorRef.current?.editor;

unlayer?.exportHtml((data) => {
const { design, html } = data;
console.log('exportHtml', html);

const onReady: EmailEditorProps['onReady'] = (unlayer) => {
// editor is ready
// you can load your template here;
// the design json can be obtained by calling
// unlayer.loadDesign(callback) or unlayer.exportHtml(callback)
// const templateJson = { DESIGN JSON GOES HERE };
// unlayer.loadDesign(templateJson);

return (
<button onClick={exportHtml}>Export HTML</button>

<EmailEditor ref={emailEditorRef} onReady={onReady} />

render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));


loadDesignObject dataTakes the design JSON and loads it in the editor
saveDesignFunction callbackReturns the design JSON in a callback function
exportHtmlFunction callbackReturns the design HTML and JSON in a callback function


NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
styleObjectstyle object for the editor container{}
minHeightStringminimum height to initialize the editor with500px
onLoadFunctioncalled when the editor instance is created
onReadyFunctioncalled when the editor has finished loading
optionsObjectoptions passed to the Unlayer editor instance. See the configuration options for all available options.{}
toolsObjectconfiguration for the built-in and custom tools{}
appearanceObjectconfiguration for appearance and theme{}
projectIdIntegerUnlayer project ID (optional)


See the example source for a reference implementation.