User Saved Blocks

This feature allows end-users to save any block of content they’ve created so it can be reused in their designs. This is particularly useful for maintaining design consistency and speeding up content creation. These blocks are saved within the builder’s environment and can be inserted into any design with just a few clicks. Developers can enable and configure this feature for end-users in their applications.

Enable or Disable Feature


In order for this feature to work, you must have set up End-User Identification in the builder to correctly identify and associate a saved block with a user.

Enable Custom Blocks

User saved blocks is a sub-feature of Custom Blocks. By default, custom blocks are enabled in the builder. The save button for blocks will automatically appear once the user is identified and this feature is enabled.

You can enable or disable this feature using the following example:

  features: {
    blocks: true

How It Works

Users can save their blocks by clicking the save button at the bottom right of a selected block.

Once they click save, they will be asked a Category Name and optional Tags. This helps organize the blocks and make them searchable.