
Page Sections and Anchors

This is a great feature for linking within a page. It lets users define sections of a page and then link buttons or links to those sections. Learn More


Date / Time Property Editor

We have added a built-in property editor for date / time picker. You can customize it to pick date, time or both. Learn More


Default Active Tab

By default, the content tab is activated when editor loads. You can now change it to any other default or custom tab. Learn More


Delete Confirmation

Despite Undo / Redo feature being available, some users prefer to show a confirmation message whenever content is being deleted. You can now turn on the delete confirmation setting if needed. Learn More


Improved Tabs API

Tabs API has been improved to let you configure different options. You can enable or disable a tab, reposition it, or change the icon for any tab. Learn More


Drag-n-Drop User Experience

We improved the drag-n-drop user experience for people who are using the editor for the first time. The tools start to shake on hover, and there's a tooltip to guide users.


Editor Ready Event

We have added a new event called editor:ready. It is fired once when all custom JS, CSS and fonts are loaded and the editor is ready for use. Learn More


Content Audit


Audit Tab


Collapsible Editor Panel

Editor panel can now be collapsed for an improved editing experience. You can choose to disable this feature. Learn More


Easy Exporters for Image, PDF or Zip

The SDK now includes built-in methods to export images, pdfs or zip files of your designs. Previously, you had to make REST API calls to our Cloud API.