Uploads Tab


Premium Feature

This feature is only available in premium plans. You must pass the projectId with a paid plan to enable this feature.

The Uploads Tab feature in the builder allows end-users to upload and manage their own images, serving as a simple file manager. It can also be configured to display images stored on your server.

Enable / Disable Feature


Before using the Uploads Tab, you need to set up End-User Identification in the builder to correctly identify and associate uploaded images with a specific end-user. This ensures that images uploaded or managed within the builder are tied to the correct user account.

Enable / Disable Uploads Tab

If you do not wish to use the Uploads Tab, you can easily disable it by setting the userUploads feature to false during the builder’s initialization.

  features: {
    userUploads: {
      enabled: true

Search Uploads

The Uploads Tab also has the ability for end-users to search their uploaded files easily. This feature is enabled by default but you can choose to disable search if that's what you prefer.

  features: {
    userUploads: {
      enabled: true,
      search: true

Custom Database

If your users’ images are already stored in your database, you can configure the Uploads Tab to display those images by using the unlayer.registerProvider API.

Here is an example that shows how to load images from your server and display them in the Uploads Tab:

idA unique identifier for the image.
locationThe URL where the image is stored.
widthImage width in pixels.
heightImage height in pixels.
contentTypeMIME type of the image (e.g., image/png).
sourceSet as user to indicate it’s a user-uploaded image.
sizeOptional. File size of the image

You can check out a full example using custom database to load user uploaded images.

unlayer.registerProvider('userUploads', function (params, done) {
  // Load images from your server here...
  var images = [
      id: Date.now() + i,
      location: 'https://picsum.photos/id/1/500',
      width: 500,
      height: 500,
      contentType: 'image/png',
      source: 'user'
      id: Date.now() + i,
      location: 'https://picsum.photos/id/2/500',
      width: 500,
      height: 500,
      contentType: 'image/png',
      source: 'user'

Saving Uploads

If you want to save the reference to uploaded images from the builder to a custom database so you can send it to the Uploads Tab, you will have to use the image:uploaded event. You can do it like this:

unlayer.addEventListener('image:uploaded', function(data) {
  var image = data.image;
  var url = image.url;
  var width = image.width;
  var height = image.height;
  // Save image info to your custom database here


The Uploads Tab supports pagination to efficiently load and display large collections of images. To enable pagination, provide the necessary attributes when returning the images from your server.

pageThe current page number being requested.
perPageThe number of images to display per page.
totalThe total number of images available.
hasMoreA boolean indicating whether more images are available for pagination.
unlayer.registerProvider('userUploads', function (params, done) {
  var page = params.page || 1;  // Current page number
  var perPage = params.perPage || 20;  // Number of images per page
  var total = 100;  // Total number of images available
  var hasMore = total > page * perPage;  // Check if there are more images to load
  // Load images for the current page from your server here...
  var images = [];

  // Return the images along with pagination data
  done(images, { hasMore, page, perPage, total });


The Uploads Tab supports searching to efficiently load and display large collections of images. To enable searching, provide the necessary attributes when returning the images from your server.

unlayer.registerProvider('userUploads', function (params, done) {
  var page = params.page || 1;  // Current page number
  var perPage = params.perPage || 20;  // Number of images per page
  var total = 100;  // Total number of images available
  var hasMore = total > page * perPage;  // Check if there are more images to load
  var searchText = params.searchText; // The search term
  // Load images that match the search term, for the current page from your server here...
  var images = [];

  // Return the images along with pagination data
  done(images, { hasMore, page, perPage, total });

Handling Deletions

End-users can delete their uploaded images from the Uploads Tab. To handle this, you can use the unlayer.registerCallback method to register a callback for the image deletion event. This allows your application to remove the image from your server and synchronize the changes with the builder.

unlayer.registerCallback('image:removed', function (image, done) {
  // image will include id, userId and projectId
  // call this when image has been deleted

The image object contains:

  • id: The unique identifier of the image.
  • userId: The ID of the end-user who uploaded the image.
  • projectId: The ID of your project

Once the image is deleted from your server, call the done() function to notify the builder that the image has been removed.

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